Do I have to be enrolled in physics class?

No! We welcome anyone with any interest in a space-centric career or academic pursuit.

Is there a bathroom for me?

We have two gender-neutral restrooms in Van Allen Hall. One is prominently placed on the first floor. The other is in the central area of the Basement floor. There are multiple men and women restrooms throughout the building. Several of the restrooms are ADA compliant and accessible. 

What will we do for the day?

We have exciting talks, breakout sessions which includes a panel session where you can ask questions, socializing and networking time, food included, options to observe the Sun and its sunspots from the rooftop observatory, a hands-on physics and astronomy lab, and a super fun demo show. We also have stickers and identi-badges to take home as souvenirs. Come to make friends, have fun, learn something, and consider future paths!

I feel unwelcome in science circles. Will I feel included?

We are striving to provide an inclusive and supportive environment. All of the workshop organizers are from under-represented identities in physics. This will hopefully feel very different than majority-dominated spaces you may usually encounter!

What will I learn about?

There will be some science talks and some fun physics principles included in the demo and hands-on lab. But we are also planning quite a bit of material on: resilience, mentoring networks, navigating majority-dominated spaces, and educational and career options. We hope you walk away with life skills and confidence to pursue your passions, as well as some scientific knowledge. 

What can I do if there's a barrier to me attending?

Please contact one of the organizers! We will do all we can to ensure participation.